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7 Things to Do in New York City in the Winter

When you first think of travel to New York City in the winter, do you think “oh no, it’s going to be gray and cold, what will we do?” I know, I know. Heading to the city that never sleeps doesn’t seem like much fun if you have to huddle in your hotel room the whole time! But maybe you don’t have to. Sometimes winter months are the only time you can get away. And it can actually be really great to travel during the winter. Lines at restaurants and events are shorter. Prices can be cheaper in the off season. And who knows, you might discover an activity you would never been able to experience had the weather been warm and sunny. Recently, I found myself in that exact situation. And I found more than enough to keep me busy and experience this famous city, weather be damned!

In Travel

A Taste of New Orleans

Do you want to come inside?”, the small elderly man said as we furiously snapped pictures of his century home in New Orleans’ French Quarter. A quick glance between me and my husband prompted thoughts like “hmm, if he is a serial killer, I think we can take him”. So we responded with a resounding “yes, please!” and went inside.

In Life

Summers at the Lake

The RV jostled and bounced with each rock and bump as our family made its way down the gravel road to Canoe Lake. We were tired, we were ready for the cool lake water and fresh smell of pines and woody air. We eagerly anticipated long boat rides exploring hidden coves on the lake and languid dinners grilling fish on the fire and sharing tall stories. This was summer vacation in my home province of Saskatchewan, Canada. My dad, an avid fisherman, sought out the best lakes for walleye (his favorite) and took us all with him on fishing and camping adventures throughout the province. Canoe Lake, even though remote and only accessible via tiresome gravel roads, was his first choice, and each year we made our trek – family, RV, and boat – to this little haven.

In Travel

Musician’s Getaway in East Nashville

I am on my way to Nashville again, and I booked my stay in an Airbnb! And that’s reminding me of this cute bungalow I rented on a previous visit. When I started exploring options for lodging to attend a conference in Nashville, I quickly realized I couldn’t afford to be downtown, nor did I really want to be amidst all the action. Because I am a huge fan of Airbnb, I decided to take the opportunity to explore the surrounding neighborhoods and came upon this darling cottage in East Nashville. I was unfamiliar with the location as I am still learning Nashville neighborhoods, but I decided to take a chance and book it.

In Travel

How to Pack Light for Spring in France

Ahh, travel, wanderlust, seeing new places, revisiting the old… love it all! But packing for Europe can be a very stressful, time-consuming process when agonizing between comfort vs style, unlimited space vs carry-on, etc. In America, you can throw some sneakers and flip-flops in your bag with some T-shirts, jeans and shorts and be good to go! Europe is a little different. They tend to shy away from white sneakers, shorts (you may see men in capris), and flip-flops.

Hi there! My name is Hope and this is my little home on the internet to share ideas for creating more joy in our lives with travel, home, and food. More about me...